The need to respond and provide the expected results fast is highly valued in today’s digital marketplace and so, a slow website loses customers. First and foremost, every time users come to your page, they want it to load as quickly as possible or they leave the site. Competition aside, there is much that businesses still get to work on, starting with website load speed for those who operate in a virtual space such as Toronto. Now let us discuss ways in which the website design can make a huge difference in helping your website deliver the best results to the users.
Why Load Speed Matters
According to web design and SEO best practices, it is very important that the web page should load very fast. Furthermore, Google takes page speed into consideration, where faster sites rank higher in search engine result pages. The audience, especially mobile audiences, expect to access a website within three seconds of inputting the web address. This cautionary advice is for real – any delay of one second can definitely result in a significant loss of traffic, interest, and conversions.
Strategies for Web Design That Can Help Improve Its Loading Time
- Optimize Images and Media: One of the biggest causes of slow websites is large images. Make sure that you use the compressed and resized images, but they are of high quality. That is why there are services like TinyPNG or WordPress image plugins to help with that. Also, most of the current image formats, that are – WebP, can make images significantly smaller compared to their size when they are of high quality.
- Minimize HTTP Requests: Every picture, every script used in the creation of your website makes an HTTP request. This made me realize that the more requests in the html page the longer it will take to load the page. Website design involves the development of files such as CSS and JavaScript files, to minimize such requests, and so increase the loading speed of the website.
- Enable Browser Caching: When a user visits a site, some of that information is actually saved on their browser, meaning when they visit your site again, it is not necessary for everything to be fetched. This is particularly helpful in cases where a website has a lot of repeat visitors to the site.
- Implement Lazy Loading: Lazy loading means images and videos can be loaded only when they enter the user’s sight. This approach entails that no component loads at the same time hence leading to a lesser initial load time. It means as users scroll up or down the content, it will be loaded automatically, making it even lighter and more encouraging to use.
- Reduce Redirects: Redirects also lead to more HTTP requests to the browser, resulting in slow page loading. If you are functioning within the scope of a web design, you shouldn’t have multiple unneeded redirections in a row. Whenever the project involves rebranding, or redesigning, like the services Bernum, a Toronto web design agency provides to its clients, the number of redirects should be minimized to achieve optimal performance.
- Optimize Your Code: Not only can it be easily modified when necessary, but clean, efficient code translates into a fast loading web page. Optimize CSS, JavaScript and HTMLs through trimming it by either removing white spaces, comments and unwanted characters. This makes the sizes of the flies relevant and even enhances the loading speed. It is thus important for a good web design team to strive at seeing that the code is proper for both performance and subsequent reading.
- Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN helps copy your websites’ static files on different servers in different parts of the world. CDN was designed to function in a manner such that when an individual pulls up your site, the files are pulled from the nearest server making the download very fast. It is especially helpful when working for companies seeking customers internationally or when in big cities such as Toronto.
Site speed is a crucial factor in creating any successful website to avoid the slow loading time. When implementing these strategies on your website, there will be an enhanced performance and hence a friendly user experience. In fact, regardless of the type of your business – small or large – every second counted can increase conversion rates, decrease bounce rates, and thus have positive impacts on the SEO rankings. Here at Bernum, we build fast performance websites with regard for web designs and efficiency. In case you need a redesign of your site or just want it to be faster, we’ll gladly assist you. Call us now to build your new awesome and efficient website in just a few months from the stiff competition experienced in **web design Toronto.**